Working From home is great, but there are some things to watch out for…
Being a WAHM – Flexibility Friend or Foe?
To a WAHM, flexibility means they can work whenever they want, drop things at a moments notice, and put things off because you can always do it later…
Oh no, see the problem? Internet Marketing can bring you money on auto pilot but you do have to set the wheels in motion. This means dedication and consistency.
Let’s Break This Down…
1. Working whenever you want is ok as long as you want to work. Just because you work from home does not mean you should have no structure. It means you have the freedom to put work in the part of the days activity that work best for you. Set a schedule and stick to it.
2. While being able to drop things at a moments notice is important for a WAHM, this must not become a habit.

Obviously if your child is sick and needs to see a doctor or the school calls for you to pick him/her up, you must take care of the situation. However, if your child is just cranky or bored it would be best to set him/her up with a fun activity they can do themselves. Let them know you need to work & will do something with them when you are done. This will teach them to self sooth, patience, self-discipline and most important how to get things done. The fringe benefit of this is that you will build confidence, get more accomplished and make more money from home.
3. Do the most challenging items first when your mind is sharpest. This way you overcome your biggest obstacles right away and everything is downhill from there!
Getting Things Done…
It is possible to stay on task, get things done, and be a successful WAHM. If you remember to set priorities and stick to them your whole family will benefit. A Mom’s primary goal is to take care of her children, so don’t for get you are a WAHM for them.
So what do you do now? START NOW RIGHT NOW!!! Let’s see some WAHM Power!
~ Karen Karo ~
P.S. For more helpful information on being organized Making Money From Home, see my other post:
How much do you know about Online Business?
WAHM – Keeping it real with Internet Marketing – Part 1
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And work-life balance is key.