Success Is Sweet

What is Success?

Success is sweet but is different for each person. Some people feel success is measured by how much money you have. Others feel it is more about what you do with your time and life. Yet others feel it is achieving balance in one’s life. Whatever success means to you, you can have it all if you allow yourself.

What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve ~ Napoleon Hill

Although my bank account does not show it yet, I am successful. I have tasted success in small amounts and now know exactly how I did it. I know for sure that success is mine for the taking. It is now just a matter of practice.

How Do I Achieve Success?

For once I don’t care about SEO in my post. This post comes straight from my heart.

Can I tell you the secret you ask? I would if I could. Although I know I reached the tipping point on May 15th, 2013, I know I cannot give you the actual step by step blue print of what I have done. Everyone’s journey is different.

Contrary to what many tell you and try to sell you, success cannot actually be taught. You can, however, be inspired and enlightened. The end results rest with you. We are all students at various stages of learning. Someone can tell you steps to take, but the learning of the why comes to those who seek it at different times.

The Secret

The secret lies within you. I can help you find your inner you. Then, I hope, people will smile at you, say they admire you, and ask you how you did it, as they do to me. You will then be able to smile in the face of adversity, with a calm heart, knowing all will be just fine.

Will This Work For You?

That is entirely up to you. So  —>>> Click on the FB or Twitter icon to follow me, send me a private message with “The Secret” in it.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Wishing you all the best,

~ Karen ~

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