Karen Karo’s Golden Op Safelist Review Features Golden Op Safelist has several levels to choose from. No matter which level you are in (including the free level) you get quality traffic to your site/offers. Of course, as with any safelist, you are able to send to more members as you go up in levels. This …
Don’t burn your bridges You have, no doubt, heard the phrase “Don’t burn your bridges”. This phrase is meant to keep you on track, protect yourself, cover your butt, or to secure your position, but in fact it holds you back. Many people live by this, or similar sayings. I myself, was one to …
Does Safelist Marketing work? Yes, Safelist Marketing does work. It is like anything else, consistent effort is a must. You need to learn the necessary skills to be successful. Be mindful that safelists are designed to work in the Internet Marketing type niches. Please read my posts about Writing Safelist Ads and Generating Free Traffic …
Is The Internet Out Of Control? In Turkey Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently blocked Twitter’s entire site in their country. While the two-week ban on Twitter was lifted, last month, You Tube has remained blocked. Last Friday, in Las Vegas, a group of Turkish prosecutors and judges discussed matters of Internet freedom. They …
Inspiration for Internet Marketers is Hard to Come By. My friend Solomon Huey is a successful Internet Marketer who goes above and beyond in the quality he offers. He is professional and thoughtful in his businesses. When Solomon recommends something, I listen. Please watch his video below, which will provide Inspiration for Internet Marketers …
Simple Safelist is Simple Let’s face it, in this complicated world we can use simplicity wherever we can find it! The Simple Safelist provides this for us. The Plan The plan is simple. Six (6) simple steps. A minimal investment, and you are off and running or take it slow and invest as you start …
Are you stuck in a rut?typing up a story 2 photo By isfullofcrap Overview of the 10K Challenge The 10K Challenge is a free system to help you build a residual income to make you financially free. This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. You will need to work to set up a strong …
Santiago Swallow – Real or Fake? The Buzz About Santiago Swallow Recently there has been much discussion about Santiago Swallow. He is no doubt a fake persona, however, we need to acknowledge that he was created by a real person, or was he? After reading two articles about the matter I noticed something odd… Will …
Being a WAHM (Work at Home Mom) puts a different spin on Internet Marketing. As a WAHM you have so much more to coordinate. • Making sure the baby stays on a schedule. • Getting the older kids to school • Making & keeping doctor appointments • School meetings • Nutritious meals • House …
Work From Home… Is It For You? The Good Stuff… Ah no commute, no day care, breaks whenever I want, no expensive lunches shoveled in my mouth at my desk, no one breathing down my back making sure I’m not goofing off. I want to work from home. Flip Side… I’ll start work later… …